Ryan Ban Tran
Hello my name is Ryan Ban Tran, and I'm a professional journalist. I started writing ever since i was a little kid. I graduated from USC majoring in language arts. My dream ever since i was like a little baby was to become the most known and best journalist known to man. I have always been motivated to achieve my goal because of my dad. My dad was an outrageous writer but never got to achieve his goal due to a bump in the road. Now he is no longer with me, but i will complete and finish off what he didn't get to.
Daniel Ly
Hello my name is Daniel Ly. I am also known as the one and only legendary dragon tail. My specialty is to spread fear into my targets to get valuable information off of them. This information is then transferred to my think thank and then they do the rest. I really enjoy my job because i get to do it without really trying. When i grow up i will get tatted up with all sorts of dragons.
Cindy Tran
Hiya my name is Cindy Liu Tran. I am a professional blogger and sometimes I travel to different places to see what its like and then blog about it. I like to see things in different perspectives and really try to live my life as much as I can. I graduated from Ai and got my bachelors in culinary management and I overall love to bake and cook things for people. Aside from my blogging, I am the manager of a bakery called Porto's in Burbank.
Crystal Li
Hi my name is Crystal Li. But people address me by Princess Crystal. I plan to grow up and make millions off my eggs. One day i was on the internet and i was looking through some jobs and found one that was about giving out my special eggs. Who wouldn't want eggs from a Princess? But while looking up jobs i found this opportunity to be part of this think tank group. They said they could really use my beautiful looks and it would highly benefit them. It will also benefit me because i will have publicity and that could end up making people give me more cash for my eggs.
Tony Lam
Sup my name is Tony. Don't mess with me, i don't like interacting with humans. I am one with death. I pry on the weak and eliminate all my competition. I was born with power and i need to put it to good use. My specialty is to hide in the shadows and retrieve important information for my think tank. I usually work alone but sometimes i just have to help others. Also i graduated from
Johnny Mojica
Hi my name is Johnny Mojica. I am a professional football player from the best college also known as USC. But on my off-time i really enjoy researching and got picked up by Ryan to be part of this miraculous think tank. Also i think they have a really beautiful name for our think tank.